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Frequently Asked Questions

How did Take Five start?

It all started when four uncanny teenagers who love discovering atypical ventures in Singapore, decided that they should share their wacky discoveries (hidden cafes/gems, interesting ideas, etc.) with everyone. They literally sat down and discussed tirelessly for months and eventually came up with Take Five.

How does Take Five make money?

Through Web-Advertising, Google Ads, and Affiliate Marketing. However, we only work with companies that we genuinely feel would be appealing to our readers. Of course, our pleasant writers work tirelessly round-the-clock to ensure that our readers are constantly pleased with our content - count ties, pounding pavements all around the little island to find new and exciting ideas and features for our readers.

We hit reviews on businesses or companies that we think deserve our precious writers' endeavors, and are also beneficial for our readers. We'd love to be engaged in every business however, we have to be truly honest in our reviews.

When did Take Five start?

The idea erupted in early 2020, and after months of tedious planning and meetings, Take Five officially launched its website on 30th November 2021. We are still new to the line of work, but our team is determined to strive for new heights.


What are affiliate links and does Take Five use them?

Affiliate links are links that'll direct you to other websites, which gives us a small percentage commission if you happen to purchase anything through the link.


Yes, we feature affiliate links in some of our articles, but only to offer something that we think could be beneficial, or interesting to you. Fret not, this does not add any extra charges to you as a customer.

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