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Just Ants: Explore the tiny world of ants. You'll be amazed at how much you can learn from ants.

Updated: Dec 28, 2023

Cute. Social. Nimble. Tiny. Family.

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

Just Ants, situated at the crossroads of passion and education, is a unique store that has carved its own particular niche by offering a comprehensive range of ant-keeping supplies, expert guidance, and a vibrant community of enthusiasts.

Just Ants, with its unassuming name, opens up a world of wonder that's both educational and captivating. This specialized shop is a labor of love, founded by ant enthusiasts, or ANT-bassadors as they call themselves, John and his wife, who have dedicated their lives to the study and appreciation of these tiny, industrious creatures. Their commitment to the world of ants has led them to create a shop that caters to all things ant-related.

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

For those who are considering ant-keeping as a hobby or have already embarked on this fascinating journey, Just Ants offers a treasure trove of supplies. From ant farms and formicariums to feeding stations and hydration systems, the store stocks a wide variety of high-quality products that cater to ants of all sizes and species. Whether you're just starting to love the idea of keeping ants as pets or an experienced ant keeper, you are sure to find the right tools and equipment to meet your needs. We were delighted to see the different décor you can place in your formicarium. A special mention goes to the dinosaur fossils and Marvel’s tiny ant-man and Groot figurines, which will definitely add personality to your formicariums.

One of the hallmarks of Just Ants is its commitment to educating and assisting the community. Apart from having small educational workshops on site, the lovely duo also conducts ant exploration sessions at schools. What better way to foster a desire for lifelong learning and keep young minds interested in school?

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

Both John and his wife are always ready to provide expert advice and answer any questions about ant-keeping. From the conversation we had, we understood that each ant colony is unique, and their personalized guidance ensures that you are fully equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary to provide your ants with the best care possible.

Did you know? Not all ant colonies are attracted to sweet stuff. Yeah, we didn’t know either.

Just Ants goes the extra mile by offering a wide selection of ant species, including some that are rare and exotic. Whether you are interested in keeping a bustling colony of locally found black house ants, carpenter ants, leafcutter ants, the fascinating trap-jaw ants, or perhaps the fiery and formidable fire ants, you will find these and many more species available at the store. This diversity allows ant enthusiasts to choose the species that pique their interest and fit their experience level.

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

Just Ants is more than just a shop; it's a thriving hub for ant lovers, an educational resource for the curious, and a treasure trove for those passionate about the fascinating world of ants. John and his wife have turned their love for ants into a valuable resource that not only supplies ant-keeping needs but also nurtures a community of like-minded individuals.

So whether you are considering starting your own ant colony or just want to learn more about these incredible insects, Just Ants is the ultimate one-stop shop where your ant-keeping journey begins. Step inside and explore the miniature world of ants—a tiny world filled with endless wonder and discovery.

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Address: 928 Yishun Central 1, #01-143, Singapore 760928

Opening hours: Tues - Sun (12pm – 8pm), closed on Monday. Contact: 9091 9599


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