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Uncommon trekking routes in Singapore that you didn't know

Unorthodox. Explore. Scenic. Discover. Preserve.

When one thinks of Singapore, the image of a bustling metropolis with towering skyscrapers, luxurious shopping malls, and a thriving urban landscape often comes to mind. However, beneath the veneer of modernity lies a surprisingly diverse and vibrant natural world waiting to be explored. Beyond the well-trodden paths of the city, there exist hidden trekking routes that unveil a side of Singapore that few have had the chance to discover.

Rail Mall – Rail Corridor

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

The Rail Corridor stands as the gateway to a remarkable trekking adventure that unveils the city-state's hidden natural wonders. Tucked within Singapore’s verdant landscapes are hidden trekking trails that provide an escape from the urban chaos, a path that not many may be willing to take. This historic railway line, once a vital link for transportation, has transformed into a verdant pathway that winds through lush landscapes, forgotten railway stations, and rich biodiversity.

As trekkers step onto the overhead bridge (literally) located at the Rail Corridor, they embark on a journey that transcends time, offering a glimpse into Singapore's past while leading the way to an exploration of its vibrant present. A connection between Singapore's rich history and the beauty of the natural world.

Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park – Hidden “Well” & “Torii Gates”

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

Who would have thought that a hidden path near the roads in Bukit Batok would lead to a hidden well (guess it’s not well-hidden anymore, hehe) and an enchanting “Torii Gates” ? Amidst the serene embrace of Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park lies a pair of captivating secrets that add an air of mystique to this tranquil haven.

These landmarks serve as a reminder of the park’s historical significance and the lives that once flourished here. These hidden treasures, the secret well, and the torii gates enrich the experience of Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park, revealing layers of history and culture that elevate the park beyond its scenic beauty.

Green Corridor – The “Lost Ark”

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

Imagine traversing the meandering pathways in a jungle and ending up on an open field with fallen tree trunks and a deck that invites you to take a break after a long journey. Well, that’s the “Lost Ark” for you.

The deck that currently stands on top of the fallen tree trunks is believed to have been made by the people living near the area. Surrounded by various plant and animal species that call these forests home, perhaps the common room was made for villagers to wind down and immerse themselves in the tranquility the open space has to offer.

Antique pans and mess tins can be found near the area, as though it has been used to set up camp. Well, that is the beauty of the “Lost Ark”, one will never know the true motive or function behind it yet, it is there for you to adore.

Harbourfront - Seah Im Bunker & Keppel Hill Reservoir

Image Credit: Six Eighty Media

Nature has a way of concealing the most intriguing secrets, and amidst the lush landscapes of Singapore lies a hidden passage into history – a kapok tree that serves as the entrance to both Seah Im Bunker and Keppel Hill Reservoir. This majestic kapok tree, with its towering branches reaching toward the sky, beckons explorers to step into a world where the past and present converge.

Once you enter the trail via the Kapok Tree, you will find yourself in front of the Seah Im Bunker. Truth be told, we did not enter the bunker for various reasons… (scared, terrified, horrified, petrified) On the left of the Seah Im bunker, you will find two ropes tied to tree branches that will aid you on your journey up to Keppel Reservoir. Follow the path up and you will end up on a T-junction. The path to the Keppel Reservoir will be on the right. The path on the left will guide you up to Mount Faber. As this trail is more challenging compared to the others, we urge you to be extra careful while trekking. Your safety should be your first priority!

As more people discover the hidden trekking routes in Singapore, it becomes essential to emphasize the importance of responsible trekking. To preserve the delicate balance of these ecosystems, it's crucial to follow established trails, respect wildlife, and avoid leaving any litter or traces behind. By adhering to sustainable trekking practices, we can ensure that these hidden treasures remain intact for future generations to enjoy.

Disclaimer: Trek at your own risk. Stay extra vigilant while trekking these paths.

Address: For us to guide, for you to explore.

Opening hours: Go in the morning. Avoid trekking at night.

Stay safe!


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